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Second Thinker survey in Strasbourg, April 2003

Working with the ModelMaker XP 140 mounted on
the Faro Gold Arm in Strasbourg, 23 September 2003

During our visit to Strasbourg of 23 Sept. 2002 we had acquired the co-ordinates of nearly 100 million points on the surface of the large Thinker plaster cast. Still we found that certain smaller areas could not be reached with the Breuckmann sensors. For example, the inside of the Thinker's hands remained partially occluded to the sensor's camera eye.

In order to overcome this problem, we decided to make a test run with the ModelMaker X Sensor combined with a 10" Faro Gold Arm. 

On 28 April 2003 our team made a second trip to the Musée d'art moderne et contemporain to make additional 3D measurements. 

During a 14 hour work session, we acquired alltogether ca. 900 separate scan stripes with a resolution of max. 0.2 x 0.7 mm. This time, the Faro Arm supplied us with a unified co-ordinate system from the very beginning, thus eliminating the need to match and align a great number of patches during our Museum visit. 


Our uncompressed data were stored in ModelMaker's proprietory SAB2 file format, resulting in ca. 1 GB of raw data. Because the scan stripes were matched automatically without delay, we were able to see the virtual model grow on our monitor in real time. This time, we were able to scan all the critical spots that had been missing in our first model of April 2003. Only a few single holes with a very small radius remained.


Team members Stefanie Prinz, Alida Kreutzer and
Bori de Roos in front of our car with equipment


Curator Ms Jeanne Geyer at the
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain


Our mobile studio for stereo photography


DESCAM scanning expert Mr Stelzer with X 140


Scanning the feet of the Strasbourg Thinker


Controlling the virtual model on the PC screen


Inside view of the Thinker's left hand


Inside view of the Thinker's left hand




© Copyright 2002 for data collection and research by Hans de Roos.
© Copyright 2002 for Website design by Borbála de Roos.
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Last update of this page: 13.08.2003