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At the moment, .

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This Website was produced with MS Front Page 2000 and then re-edited "by hand" to be compatible with Netscape Mozilla 4.77 and 6.1. Still, I strongly recommend to use the Microsoft browser. Many nice Javascript features on this Website do not work for Netscape users. If you want to use all comfort features, you should download the latest Microsoft IE browser for free.

To close the FULLSCREEN mode and get back to your normal browser layout, just click the sign in the upper right corner of the screen or press ALT+F4.

All content is diplayed in tables 750 pixels wide centering automatically. With 800 x 600 pixel screen resolution, you should be able to view this content without horizontal scrolling.
Still, I strongly recommend a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels or higher and at least
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If text and pictures do not seem to combine sizewise, adjust your browser settings to display text characters bigger or smaller. The following text line should be about as long as the orange bar below it:

|"Please download a modern browser that can read stylesheets."|

If you want to print our web-pages and the text content is not printed, adjust the "frames" selection feature in your printer menu. If the text print is cut off at the right side, select horizontal paper format ("landscape format") in your printer menu.

Please report any bugs or broken links by e-mail.


© Copyright 2002 for data collection and research by Hans de Roos.
© Copyright 2002 for Website design by Borbála de Roos.
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Last update of this page: 15.08.2002