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Cliffs, N.J., 1984 (reprinted from the American Architect and Building News,
XXV, Nos. 682-703, 19 Jan-15 June 1889.
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Beaux-Arts/ Imprimerie Frazier-Soye, Paris, 1919.
Butler: Ruth Butler, Jeanine Parisier Plottel, Jane Mayo Roos:
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Hardcover, ISBN: 1858940710, exhibition paperback, 1998.
Chatelain: Jean Chatelain, "An Original in Sculpture",
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De Caso II: Jacques de Caso and Patricia B. Sanders: "Rodin's
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Press, 1973.
Descharnes: Robert Descharnes and Jean-François Chabrun, "Auguste
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Elsen: Albert E. Elsen, Albert Alhadeff: "Rodin Rediscovered",
National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1981.
Elsen II: Albert E. Elsen,"Rodin´s Thinker and the Dilemmas of
Modern Public Sculpture", Yale University Press, New Haven and London,
Elsen III: Albert E. Elsen, "Dans l´atelier de Rodin - le sculpteur
et les photographes", Phaidon Press, Oxford, 1980.
Elsen IV: Albert E. Elsen, John Henry Merryman, "Law, Ethics and the
Visual Arts, Vol I & II", University of Pennsylvania Press, second
edition, Philadelphia, 1987.
Elsen V: Albert E. Elsen, "Purposes of Art - An Introduction to the
History and Appreciation of Art", Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York,
Facos: Lynne Ambrosini, Michelle Facos: "Rodin: the Cantor gift to
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Arts, Lausanne, 1989.
Grappe: George Grappe, "Catalogue du Musée Rodin", second
edition, Musée Rodin, Paris 1929.
Grunfeld: Frederic Grunfeld: "Rodin: a Biography", Hutchinson
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I used the German translation: ISBN 3894871873, Henschel Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
Gsell: Paul Gsell, "L´Art et les Artistes - Entretiens réunis par
Paul Gsell", B. Grasset, Paris, 1911/1914.
Jarassé: Dominique Jarassé, "Faszination der Bewegung",
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Krauss: Rosalind Krauss, "The Originality of the Avant-Garde and
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Laurent: Monique Laurent, "Observations on Rodin and his
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to as "Elsen".
Laurent II: Monique Laurent, "Rodin - Masters of Modern Art",
ISBN 0-8050-1252-4, 1988.
Laurent III: Monique Laurent,"The Thinker", contribution to the
book issued by Sayegh Gallery, Paris, 1999.
Levkoff: Mary L. Levkoff, Los Angeles County Museum of Art: "Rodin
in His Time: The Cantor Gifts to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art",
Original edition: ISBN: 050023678X, LACMA, co-published by Thames and Hudson,
New York/London, 1994.
Maryland: "Rodin, the Maryhill Collection" Washington State
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Rilke: Rainer Maria Rilke, "Auguste Rodin", Insel verlag,
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Rothenstein: William Rothenstein, Men and Memories, Vol. I,
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Ruth: Dr. Uwe Rüth, "Auguste Rodin - Die Bürger von Calais - Werk
und Wirkung", Verlag Gerd Hatje, Stuttgart, 1997.
Schaff: Dr David Schaff, "Rodin - Plasters & Bronzes",
Robert Gordon Private Editions/Gruppo Mondiale, New York, 1999.
Sotheby: "A Collection Of Bronzes by Auguste Rodin", catalog of
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results, New York 1982.
Spear: Athena Tacha Spears: "Rodin Sculpture in the Cleveland
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Spear II: Athena Tacha Spears: "Supplement to Rodin Sculpture
in the Cleveland Museum of Art", softcover edition, Cleveland Museum of
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Tancock: John Tancock, "The Sculpture of August Rodin" - The
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edition: ISBN: 0876330189, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1989.
Tancock II: John Tancock, "Rodin in Mexico: collection of European
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escultura europea de los siglos XIX y XX" Museo Soumaya/Associación Carso
A. C., Museum catalog.
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Centenaire de l´exposition de 1889", Musée Rodin, Paris, 1989.
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Sammlungen", Editions Scala, Paris, 1996.
Vilain III: Jacques Vilain (Curator), "Auguste Rodin - Esculturas
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Vincent: Clare Vincent: "Rodin at the Metropolitan Museum of Art - a
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