On Sunday, 22 September 2002, after the Museum had closed
for the public, our team, together with Mr und Ms Breuckmann and Mr
Tyborski, and with the friendly support of Museum staff, installed
topometric and conventional cameras in the large room where Rodin's Thinker
is displayed.
After 90 minutes, our set-up was complete, so that we
could start with the actual survey early Monday morning. For
measuring spatial qualities, we used 3 different optoTOP sensors,
covering areas with a diagonal spread of 180, 60 und 20 cm respectively.
With the largest sensor, we were able to grasp the total structure of
the sculpture within ca. 2 hours. Another 5 hours were needed to make additional scans of smaller patches, this
time in higher resolutions. Especially the face, the hands and the feet needed
extra attention, in order to document the finer details of the modelling. |
Positioning the sensor for detail shots